Selected cheeses in Casina (RE)


Le Guide de l'Espresso: Parmigiano Reggiano Dop

valutazione guida espresso valutazione guida espresso valutazione guida espresso valutazione guida espresso
San Giorgio social dairy cooperative agricultural society
Via Cortogno Centro, 20 - Casina (RE) Tel. 0522607100 - 3395705573
This small cooperative in the Apennine valleys of Tassobbio produces sixteen every day forms of fine Parmesan. Theirs is a certified mountain product, where it ages at least twelve months. The supply chain is short, the milk is supplied by the members and the food of animals (green fodder, grass, hay and cereals) is self-produced. When tasted, theirs 24 months offers vegetal hints, of undergrowth, wood and dry leaves, combined with more notes low in dried fruit and spicy. In the mouth the flavors are balanced, the solubility is good and friability, medium-high taste persistence. Fragrant.

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