Selected cheeses in fraz. Villa Savoia Monteggiana (MN)


Le Guide de l'Espresso: Parmigiano Reggiano Dop

valutazione guida espresso valutazione guida espresso valutazione guida espresso
Gonfo social dairy cooperative agricultural society
Via Argine Po, 86 - hamlet. Villa Savoia Monteggiana (MN) 0376521095 / 3456154545
It dates back to the beginning of the twentieth century, over time the original dairy evolved into a cooperative and in the Seventies significantly increased the volume of milk production, which currently stands at approximately 200,000 quintals per year. Their Parmesan is made from the milk of brown cows fed with green fodder, alfalfa, hay, cereal integration, all produced on one farm. Upon tasting it matured for 24 months. On the nose it releases cooked lactic, ripe and dried white fruit: perceptions that yes confirm in the retronasal horns. In flavours, sweetness, flavor and acidity are balanced without push; good solubility and friability in the mouth. Remarkable.

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