Selected cheeses in Montonaro di Cesena (FC)


Le Guide de l'Espresso: Squacquerone di Romagna Dop

valutazione guida espresso valutazione guida espresso
Cesena Milk Centre
Via Violone di Gattolino, 201 - Montonaro di Cesena (FC) Tel. 0547380292
Also present for its excellent Squacquerone, the Centrale del Latte di Cesena demonstrates its value with Fossa Cheese made from mixed cow and sheep's milk. Matter first it is collected daily from the stables located in the various provinces of Romagna. When tasted, their cheese presents itself to the nose with hummus, undergrowth and lactic crush of medium-high intensity. The flavors are particularly harmonious; to chewing The olfactory perceptions are confirmed, characterized by intensity and persistence. The spiciness on the finish is very pleasant.

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