

History The first news of the use of confectionery products dates back to the
times ancient Greeks, who cooked among other things the πλακοῦς plakous (focaccia),
a type of dessert prepared with oatmeal mixed with honey and cheese.
Even in ancient Rome there was a fair consumption of sweets, some of which
they had an auspicious meaning, as in the confarreatio ,
ceremony that took its name from the spelled focaccia (panis farreus)
which the spouses shared as a symbol of the future common life and offered to Jupiter.

The use of sweets in the kitchen has seen a remarkable expansion in recent years
four centuries, in conjunction with a greater availability of some ingredients
on the market, first of all sugar. The sweet element, in fact, remained for centuries
derived from fruit, must and especially honey, which was added as
complementary ingredient to many others. Honey is placed side by side around the year 900 AD
from cane sugar, imported as a spice from Arab territories. Only since 1500
sugar is imported from the Americas becoming a more common ingredient, like
some cocoa. Beet sugar will make Europe autonomous in the preparation of
sweets compared to imports, sharply cutting costs and boosting
considerable to confectionery production. (source Wikipedia)

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