Trends and Future of the Industry
• What are the emerging trends in the fields of art and gastronomy?


We will tackle this explanation with a very straightforward statement.

In the culture of Italian populations, it is common to add an adjective: "this is not a craftsman, this is an artist." This cultural habit is widespread across the peninsula and is used in various sectors, even the simplest and most humble, such as masonry, mechanics, plumbing, agriculture, and others.

Consequently, we will use this as a strict rule, combined with the magnifying glass (an element added to our logo a few years ago), so it will be impossible to make mistakes. Not because we are no longer young, but mainly to avoid being misled by the various cooking shows on television (a trend started by Sky, if you didn’t know) and by the rampant "disposable influencers" created by social networks on the web.

We affirm this because, unlike those who have invented a job through the web, as it was natural since the world moves forward, we are well aware of the enormous persuasive power of the media, one by one, having worked with them for many years and, of course, having studied them as well.
So much so that the results of some of our work have led us to become the subject of dedicated seminars in some university faculties in both Italy and the USA.

And what can be said about A.I.?

This will be an excellent topic to observe in the future. It is certainly a great assistant, an exceptional worker to exploit, and it also has low management costs, but an artist's signature has always been their brushstroke, which is not a pixel. In fact, for centuries, artists didn’t even sign their paintings.

Do we perhaps want to talk about the financial farce of NFTs?

Or about the synthetic meat printed in 3D and financed by a high finance eccentric with $50 million, whose name I prefer not to mention?
The total lie was that it was feeding humanity while he had invested much more money in financing the scam of the COVID vaccine, which instead killed many and ruined many others who are still alive. Having too much money often makes the thoughts of those who can move it "criminal."

Please, gastronomy is connected to nature and is a very serious matter; it is one of the most important gifts that nature has given us, just like art. Therefore, we should be happy to be human beings who may want to correct their flaws and improve them, starting by truly appreciating what our history has given us, aspiring to continue this, perhaps with our personal contribution, which is not smearing walls with spray paint out of anger, because this often means exactly the opposite, that we are not even capable of respecting ourselves.

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